Affordable Ghostwriting Services, ghostwriting services rates.

Ghostwriting services rates

You might probably be wondering where to get ghostwriting services.

These are the essential information you need to know before hiring one:

Not a single writer with a gold rating will settle for less money. The more expensive a writer is, the higher the quality of work. However, you don’t need to dig deep into your pocket to hire a ghost because there are affordable options too.

No. Ghostwriters do not receive any form of credit for their work. All the writing you do for any ghostwriting client will never, at any given point, have your name.

How much money do ghostwriters make?

Ghostwriting services rates

The amount of money a ghostwriter earns depends on the type of clients that seek on for them. To make the right amount of money as a ghost, pair with high-paying clients.

By so doing, you will ensure that both of you are on the same page. Present all the formal and informal technicalities before you start working together.

  • An experienced ghost can demand a much higher fee than a newbie
  • The length of the work, in terms of word count and page count.
  • How much research is involved, or if the content is already available and needs editing
  • How much back-and-forth expected before the final work?

Ghostwriting services rates

We have exciting ghostwriting projects that are ready for you to work on.

Every ghostwriting project is different — one might involve writing an article and another can be a crafting whole book. The scope of these tasks are very different, and the rates will vary with this. Ultimately, how much you charge should reflect how much research and writing you have to do, how much costs you will incur along the way, and the value of the service you produce. In other words, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all rate that works for every ghostwriter under the sun.

❗ Note: The rates below are estimates — you should consider your own needs and skills, and negotiate with your client before setting a fee.

Range: $2,000 to $70,000+ per project
Often applies to: manuscript writing, book proposal writing

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Ghostwriting services rates

From nonfiction ghostwriter and editor Alice Sullivan’s experience in traditional publishing, while managing editors used to pay freelance ghostwriters on a per-project basis, all other types of editorial jobs were paid by hour. In indie publishing, hourly rates are also not very common for ghostwriting services. Clients are averted to collaborations charged this way because they’re wary of inefficiency.

That said, this long answer isn’t what clients want to hear when they ask about your service. They expect a quote that helps them compare freelancers and make a decision about who to hire. On top of that, you yourself may be wondering if you’re under or overcharging. In either case, you might find use in knowing an average range of ghostwriting rates. And we’ve put together some estimates here.

These services may warrant the hourly wage, although you’ll notice that they don’t involve as much writing. And, as with other fee types, the more experienced you are, the higher you can quote.

Ghostwriting services rates

The first rule of outsourcing books is: The quality of your book content is a direct reflection of how good your content request instructions are.

The following companies will have native English writers and be 100% plagiarism-free. These services ghostwrite non-fiction and fiction books.

For example, after taking Steve’s Authority Pub Academy course, I realized that professional quality ghostwritten books come from legit services that aren’t serving the masses of Kindle publishers.

I would screenshot each of these reviews and put them in my document. Here are some examples of what I would say:

Before You Outsource A Single Book

Ghostwriting services rates

This is where I would explain who my target reader is, so the ghostwriter understands exactly who they’re writing this book for.

I would attach this document upon my order. All ghostwriter services have a spot on their order page to attach a file. Or you can simply upload this file to the cloud of your choice (and get with the times…).

Having these upgrades can be a real help to self publishers who don’t have the time to do everything themselves (the All-Inclusive Package and Essential Package).

Ghostwriting services rates

Nowadays, the only time I bill by the hour is when I consult. My rate is $145 per hour.

The price of a ghostwriter</p><p>For in-depth tips and tricks on how to write a book proposal, you can read my blog article on the subject.</p><p><ul>
  <li><strong>Cheap ghostwriters</strong> who charge anywhere from $2,000 – $15,000 to write a book. They are very easy to find, but, as you can imagine, will be less reliable. Watch out for scam artists if the price tag seems too good to be true. Also, you’ll need to invest in good plagiarism software to make sure the manuscript you purchase doesn’t, in fact, belong to someone else.</li>
  <li><strong>Mid-range professional ghostwriters</strong> will cost more. Their fees will range from $15,000 to $100,000 depending upon the size of the project. These writers are very experienced and reliable but are harder to find. With this class of writer, you’ll learn a lot about the writing process and get a high-quality product.</li>
  <li><strong>Celebrity ghostwriters</strong> are really reserved for those who have a household name and can afford the Learjet prices (six to seven figures) of this class of writer.</li>
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A writer in this category is often quite picky about the projects she takes on and will be interviewing you even as you interview her.

When you interview with a high-end ghostwriter, she will almost always bid on a per project basis. Check out my article How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Ghostwriter to learn more about the bids you might expect to receive from the different classes of writer. To summarize, there are:

When you are finished with your book, it would be nice to offer to write a testimonial for your ghostwriter. This allows him to share your success story with other potential clients in the future.

Ghostwriting services rates

The point is, if you want to start out as a ghostwriter, you can’t rely on your client pieces to market your ability to ghostwrite. But, you can market your education and knowledge about ghostwriting via guest posts.

If you are already a freelance writer, a freelance editor or an author, I suggest you look at your inner circle of contacts and network.

You might be thinking – But Elna, how can I build my business without proof?

When you are attracting your ideal client, it’s easier to land that ideal ghostwriting gig. I can’t go into detail on how to become a freelance writer, but the general steps are in my free course.

Be Picky About Job Boards

Ghostwriting services rates

First though, understand that the writing you do for a ghostwriting client will never have your name on it. Because of this, it’s known that you can rate your ghostwriting services much higher – some writer’s rate is 100% more – than your standard bylined (credited to you) rate.

I personally don’t increase my rates too much for my ghostwriting clients since most are already my clients!

As the ghostwriter, it’s up to you to familiarize yourself to the project and person. Read their content, follow them on social media, read their books, join their email list and get to know that person as much as possible.

In any case, don’t shy away from taking freelance writing jobs with a byline! This is great for marketing your business that can even grow your ghostwriting business!


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