120 Catchy Political Science Research Topics Choose The Best One, political science dissertation topics.

Political science dissertation topics

  1. Foreign Policies of United States Vs. United Kingdom
  2. Apartheid Phenomenon
  3. A Study of the Anglo-Saxon Traits in the America Government
  4. Chinese Communist Party Hierarchy
  5. Soviet Union Ideology
  6. Party Comparison – A Behavioral Approach
  7. Presidential Vs. Parliamentary Democracy
  8. Vietnam War Interests Aggregation
  9. Recruitment in Developing Countries
  10. Study of the Cultural Pressure Between Japan and the United States

  1. Human Rights in Malawi
  2. Amnesty International Top Controversies
  3. Arctic Circle Power Battles
  4. Fund Structure of International Monetary Fund
  5. Global Poverty Causes
  6. Ethical Guidelines for NGOs
  7. Syrian Conflict Cause-Effect
  8. GM Foods Market Distribution
  9. Non-State Facilitators in Japan Corporations
  10. An Analysis of Global Security Networks

This study involves the study of daily functions of public administrators, government structures, and other agencies that implement laws and introduce policies. This field is linked to sociology and has several topics, including:

  1. Conflicts of African American Prisoners
  2. Arctica Power Distribution
  3. Iran Oil Conflict
  4. News Coverage Media Bias
  5. The United States Foreign Policy
  6. Political Leaders and Their Personal Ambitions
  7. Concession Between Right- and Left-wing Parties
  8. Post-War Countries Issues Art Legacy
  9. Security Leadership Conflicts After 9/11
  10. Afghanistan Collaboration Methods

International Relations

This is the main focus of the subject and is an analysis or in-depth study of all the processes relating to politics. It involves a study of the causes and effects of issues, personalities of leaders to determine deeper issues. It covers a lot of sensitive topics but is unique due to its scientific approach and paper structure. Any topic chosen here should be researchable with adequate academic sources. Consider some of these topics:

  1. Causes of the American Revolution
  2. Karl Schmidt Theses and German Philosophy
  3. Neopatrimonialism Society Risks
  4. Liberal Democracy Justification
  5. Election Ethics
  6. A Contrast of Liberalism and Civil Republicanism
  7. Transition Methods In The Post Socialist Era
  8. Republican Traditions in Education
  9. Existentialism According to Western Constitutional Law
  10. The Study of Mutual Tolerance as Political Virtue.

  1. Afghanistan Conflict
  2. Social Networks and Protest Movements
  3. Mexico and Immigrants Crisis
  4. Syrian Government Repression
  5. Civil War Causes and Peculiarities
  6. Reagan’s Political Agenda
  7. Iraq War and History of War Crimes
  8. Yemen Conflict Resolution Methods
  9. War In Donbas: Russia’s Aggression In Ukraine
  10. Causes of Rebellion in the Central African Republic

Political science dissertation topics

Of course, we realize you want to stay up to date with the latest developments in political science. Your professor will be thrilled to see that you’ve chosen one of our current research topics in political science:

Did you know that writing about comparative politics can be fun? Analyze the political differences and similarities between various countries by writing a paper on one of our comparative politics research topics:

Writing a thesis in political science can be a daunting task. However, picking the correct topic can greatly ease your workload. Here are some political science thesis topics to pick from:

Are you interested in writing about public administration as part of your political sciences essay? Just take a quick look at some very public administration topics:

Current Research Topics in Political Science

Your professor is most definitely interested in current events more than he is interested in reading about the past. Give your take on any of these wonderful current international relations topics:

Do you want to thrill your professor? Do you want to come up with something new? If this is the case, just take a look at our list of interesting political science research topics below. You can also check out our history topics.

If you are reading our blog post, its means you’re desperately trying to find some amazing political science research topics. Truth be told, you’ve arrived at the right place. We have a list of original political science research topics for you right here. Furthermore, we’ve included a lot of information about finding great topics and about their benefits. Remember that all our political science topics are 100% free. We are all about helping college students get the best possible grades. We do our absolute best to update our list of political science essay topics as frequently as possible, so stay tuned for new topics!

Political science dissertation topics

These pillars or sub-fields combine to shape political science as an indigenous subject. For political science students at the higher educational level, understanding the basics of these subject is not only important but also holds key value to make their research work a success. These 6 subjects can generate multiple innovative ideas for dissertation topics.

  1. How business landscape across the US changes in the reign of Democrats.
  2. The impact of Republican President from the US impact international trade on the United States.
  3. The impact of government change on business trends in developing countries.

The subject deals with the global and regional tensions and conflicts amongst nations due to territory or ideology.

This field of political science deals with the collective and individual behaviors, attitude and beliefs. It also deals with the public opinion, the orientation of opinion, election and voting behaviors, mass movements, political parties, interest groups and various kinds of political manipulation as well as action.

Political philosophy and normative political theory dissertation ideas

  1. Why political transparency is essential for a fair society.
  2. The impact of the two-party political system in a democratic setup.
  3. The positives and negatives of the single-party political system.
  4. Election and voting routes in a single-party political system in the modern era.

Understanding these factors is essential in devising the overall political strategy. As for students understanding crucial pillars of the political science holds immense importance. There are 6 major pillars of political science.

Political science is an ever-evolving subject. Its study is imperative to understand the global and national political landscape, strategies and policies. It involves not only the study of current political players but also tackles the historical events. The political philosophies of the nation depend on multiple factors including national behaviors, national identity, population demographic and f geographic landscape.

Political science dissertation topics

The subject deals with the global and regional tensions and conflicts amongst nations due to territory or ideology.

Political science is an ever-evolving subject. Its study is imperative to understand the global and national political landscape, strategies and policies. It involves not only the study of current political players but also tackles the historical events. The political philosophies of the nation depend on multiple factors including national behaviors, national identity, population demographic and f geographic landscape.

  1. Why political transparency is essential for a fair society.
  2. The impact of the two-party political system in a democratic setup.
  3. The positives and negatives of the single-party political system.
  4. Election and voting routes in a single-party political system in the modern era.

These pillars or sub-fields combine to shape political science as an indigenous subject. For political science students at the higher educational level, understanding the basics of these subject is not only important but also holds key value to make their research work a success. These 6 subjects can generate multiple innovative ideas for dissertation topics.

Political Economy

  1. Implications of contrasting beliefs in political institutions.
  2. The impact of gender diversity in governing bodies.
  3. How the US impacted global politics. A review of impact and implications.

  1. Political philosophy and normative political theory
  2. Political identities and political behavior
  3. Political economy
  4. Political institution
  5. Political methodology
  6. Security, Peace and conflict

  1. The impact of Kashmir conflict on regional peace of Indian subcontinent.
  2. How the Iranian nuclear program is a peace threat to the world.

This field of political science deals with the collective and individual behaviors, attitude and beliefs. It also deals with the public opinion, the orientation of opinion, election and voting behaviors, mass movements, political parties, interest groups and various kinds of political manipulation as well as action.

Political science dissertation topics

This is another interesting branch of Political Science that deals with fine areas like government, liberty, democracy, and justice. The underlying philosophy for most research papers in this category is about how society can be uplifted and what ethics needs to be followed. Political philosophy differs from country to country.

We are aware that Political Science topics aren’t easy to find. Regardless of whether you are doing a Master’s in Philosophy, Law, or Sociology, or any other branch of Political Science, our list of political Science research topics can help you give the best direction about the selection of an appropriate topic for your dissertation. Your quest for the best research topics for your Political Science thesis papers ends with our list. We have outlined the list category wise:

  1. A Comparison of the Foreign Policies of USA and UK
  2. A Detailed analysis: Anglo Saxon Traits in the US Government
  3. A Comparison of Presidential and Parliamentary Democracy
  4. The Ideology of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
  5. Aggregation of Vietnam War interests
  6. How Recruitment is Done in Developing Countries
  7. A detailed Study: Cultural Pressure Between Japan and the USA
  8. A Phenomenon of Racial Segregation in South Africa
  9. A Behavioural Approach to Political Party Comparison
  10. A Study of the Hierarchy of the Chinese Communist Party

Conflict Resolution is all about the conflict resolution methods used by either of the affected parties for resolving the conflicting issues. The areas of interest under this category can range from custody battles to gender bias in work culture to international conflicts between the two countries.

Comparative Politics:

Political science dissertation topics

  • Political Scientist- they have the skill to analyze the current political situation, policies, and governance and can forecast the future with their research findings
  • Economist- they can boost the country’s economy for the betterment of the society
  • Legislative Assistant- they can interpret the existing laws and frame new laws for a political party
  • Public Relations Specialist- they are responsible for increasing the popularity of a political unit via political campaigns using social media

  • Comparative Politics
  • International Relations
  • Philosophy
  • Public Administration
  • Public Law
  • Political Theory
  • Political Methodology

  1. A Complete Study of The Human Rights Act 1998
  2. Famous Legislators from Europe
  3. Everything You Wanted To Know About Criminal Law & Common Morality
  4. Custody Battles: A Study of Gender Bias Psychology
  5. How Socio-Economic Preferences Impact Police Interrogation?

This branch of Political Science focuses on the everyday functions implemented by the diverse government structures, public administrators, and agencies that are responsible for ensuring the proper functioning of laws. Most of the research papers in this category deal with Sociology.

Political science dissertation topics

  • Aristotle and his philosophy on Governance
  • The Justin Austin Theory and its relevance in the current political scenario
  • Theses of Frederic Bastiat
  • Classic Theories presented by Edmund Burke
  • Challenges of Justice and Liberty
  • Key Figures in the history of Anarchism
  • Sovereignty and theories presented by Jean Bodin
  • Disciplinary powder of Foucault

  • Some of the best historic examples of post war countries conflicts
  • Conflicts among African-American prisoners
  • Leadership conflicts about security post 9/11
  • Oil conflict in Iran
  • Collaboration methods used in Afghanistan
  • Media bias in news coverage

The topics also raise important political science questions such as the effectiveness of certain conflict resolution methods that have been tried in the past or the ones that may be relevant to certain countries in conflict:

  • Efforts of coordination by the government
  • Innovative ideas in the private sector in the United states
  • Tactics of community development
  • Compromises on environment management
  • The constitutional vision of John Rohr
  • Analysis of Management of Federal emergency
  • Public Safety Measures and how to optimize the benefits
  • Fiscal management and the strategic planning methods
  • Careers in Transportation Security Administration

Research Topics Related to Political Theories

  • Existentialism through the lens of the Western Constitutional Laws
  • Causes of the American Revolution
  • Karl Schmidt Thesis and the German Philosophy
  • Liberalism in contrast with civil Republicanism
  • The societal risks of Neopatrimonialism
  • Transition methods in the post-socialist society
  • Ideas to justify liberal democracy
  • Is mutual tolerance the new-age political virtue
  • The ethics of election
  • Education of Republican traditions

Comparative Political Science topics give you the opportunity to provide practical examples that relate to both international and domestic issues or conflicts that are present in the current scenario.

  • Repression by the Syrian Government
  • Protest movements and social networks
  • Peculiarities and causes of the civil war
  • Immigrant crisis and Mexico
  • Political powers at play in Ukraine
  • Cause and effect of the Afghanistan conflict
  • The political agenda of the Reagan government
  • Resolution methods that can be applied to the Yemen conflict
  • Causes for the Central African Republic Rebellion
  • Iraq War and its legacy of war crimes

The most important aspect of writing a good political science paper is to keep your ideas structured and clear. For this, finding the right political science topics is necessary. Not only should the topic have enough material to refer to, it should also interest you. If you are having a hard time finding the right politics topics to write about, here are a few ideas to get you started.


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