As with anything in this world, there’s a certain amount of “you get what you pay for” at work when hiring someone to help you create content. Could you find a great writer for a very inexpensive rate? Absolutely. They exist. But you’re going to have to work a lot harder to find them, and probably hire some not-so great ones along the way. (To me, that’s a waste of time and money…)
An ebook from Internet marketing giant Kapost reports that marketers should expect to pay at least $150 per post from a reputable freelancer. For a long-form blog post or article (2,000+ words), they suggest budgeting $2,000.
The problem is, there’s no one answer to that question. Just like you could pay vastly different prices for a pair of pants at different stores and price points, so too you can pay vastly different rates for a blog writing service. So let’s break it down by what you could pay:
She was literally making them a long video with all her thoughts, which they then turned into a blog post — that she still had to edit, post and promote. Plus she was the one coming up with all the strategy behind her content marketing efforts.
Rodeo Drive Blog Writing Services
At this price, you can probably expect the person to have some experience, though not much. It might be a college student or recent grad looking to make some cash and a name for themselves. It might be someone moonlighting on the side. It might be someone who has decided that they’re going to hang out their shingle (digitally speaking) as a writer, and are just getting started.
And OK, yes, I might be a bit biased here—this is how I make my living, after all. But for our clients who put us on retainer or pre-purchase a package, our rates per post come out closer to $250–$500 per post, depending on their needs. I’ve set my prices there because it’s a price that seems advantageous to both me and my clients. We shoot for long-term relationships with our clients, and we structure our fees so that we can spend as much time and energy as we need researching and writing—without costing the clients more.
Can you find writers who will charge a whole lot more for blog writing? Absolutely.
If you develop a relationship with this writer over time, her work will only get better as she gets to know you, your business, and your customers in more detail.
Make sure your web/marketing team is aware of the incoming content – While a beautifully written blog post might be a nice surprise for some of your visitors, don’t make it a surprise for your web or marketing team. They should be aware of incoming content so that they can react to it quickly, get it online, and help maximize its reach.
More resources than a freelance writer – What’s better than access to a top-notch writer for your content. Access to ten or twenty top-notch writers. If you are looking at producing significant amounts of content and diverse content types or topics, you will benefit from working with a team with varied, deep resources.
53% of marketers say blogging is their top content marketing priority. (HubSpot)
Determine what features are important to you – Since you’ve read this far, you’ll know that there are many good reasons to have an active blog on your business website
Benefits of hiring a blog writing service
You can focus on what you do best while they write you blog content – Another reason to work with a professional blog writing team is a popular one
A team will be more likely to be able to meet your needs dynamically than an individual writer. And working with a team might save you from re-entering the hiring process every time you want something a little out of one writer’s comfort zone or area of expertise.
Choosing a blog writing service from the many services available can be very challenging, unless you are reading this blog post, in which case, you can follow these three tips to make an effective short list of possible agencies.
Finding the ideal content writer in terms of technical knowledge can be challenging. Making sure that this writer also suits your needs stylistically is an added challenge. The networks made by a professional blog writing service can improve your chances of getting the person you need.
I gave them a topic to cover and within 24 hours they delivered the article. They went above and beyond. The article is excellent. You can read it here.
Their review writers will go into the backend of the software, play around with, get screenshots and then write an informative review. This is not cheap, but the potential revenue is substantial.
- Cost: it’s the least expensive content source I’ve ever used.
- Fast delivery: Large batches delivered within 48 hours.
- Junk articles were replaced within 24 hours.
- Template ordering system.
- User-friendly website: The user interface is really good and super easy to use. Easier than the other services here.
- I got lucky: It just turns out that I did order a batch of content some time back and I even left content topics to them. They provided me a piece of content that for nearly 3 years has generated thousands of visitors per month earning thousands of dollars since it was published. These things can happen.
For each content source listed below, I include a brief list of pros and cons of each.
11. Content Development Pros
Constant Content’s unique offering that I appreciate is their review writing service, especially software reviews.
I learned about Word Agents from this post, which was super informative. Always on the lookout for content providers I gave them a shot. I placed an order and was very pleasantly surprised.
Many websites have lost their appeal because they go the way of too many guest posts.
Hyperbole? Maybe, but go check it out to see what some readers say.
Need to fill a large order for multiple domains? Not a problem! We have a bulk-buyer option that will make it easy.
We will not combine the posts. Each post we create has a unique topic and keyword. However, you are free to combine them as you wish once the order is complete.
We’ve created a white-label approval hub for both the topic and final article approval. Simply send your clients the direct white label approval URL for them to approve or reject. You can even make changes to the content yourself directly.
Yes, 100% – These articles are crafted to bring you more traffic to your blog! This starts from the beginning of topic validation. We look for popular topics in your niche (by number of shares, number of comments, keyword popularity, etc) to make sure what we write is going to fit before we even start writing. If you have us post to your blog and have yoast installed (or similar seo plugin), we will optimize the post with an SEO title, description, short URL, focus keywords and more.
Never Hire Writers Again
Not only will we upload the post, but we’ll also format it to make sure it looks good and we’ll even add a photo to it!
Expert niche content written by writers experienced in your industry. We go more in-depth about your needs to craft a comprehensive article made for industry insiders.
Blogger and Blogger Pro orders are limited to a single package. To order for multiple packages, try our bulk buyer option.
1. How much do you want to make in your freelance writing business?
When you have an idea of how writing is billed and typical rates for different types of writing, you need to personalize your rates to include your goals, skills, and experience. Here are three factors to consider:
One caveat on charging per-hour rates applies here: If you're potentially looking at a long-term or repeat client, you may want to avoid charging by the hour.
If $30,000 per year is what you want to net, you need to add your indirect work time (time spent that isn't doing client work) and overhead to your per-hour rate. For example, if you spend 5 hours from your 20 hours a week on billing and marketing, those aren't tasks that make money. So you either need to add 5 more direct service hours that make money or increase your per-hour rate.
Types of Freelance Writing Rates
Don't forget to include the time and expense to manage your freelance writing business, such as marketing and invoicing. Self-employment tax and health care are two other items to remember you need to pay for.
While you may end up billing by project, it doesn't hurt to figure out what you want to earn and how much you want to work to calculate a per-hour rate. If you want to work 20 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, and earn $30,000, you need to take work that pays you $30 per hour ($30,000 ÷ 50 weeks = $600 per week. $600 ÷ 20 hours = $30 per hour). If you find a job that pays you $50 per article, and you can write that article in less than 2 hours, that would meet your goal of an average of $30 per hour.
Not all freelance writers are the same, even in the beginning. If you have experience in paid writing, a degree or certification, knowledge, or a skill set clients require for their writing needs, you can charge more. With that said, if you have no experience and no clips, you might have to charge less starting out.