Examples of prize-winning theses and dissertations, dissertation example.

Dissertation example

University: University of Washington
Faculty: Computer Science & Engineering
Author: Nick J. Martindell
Award: 2014 Best Senior Thesis Award
Title: DCDN: Distributed content delivery for the modern web

As you read the examples below, bear in mind that all universities have their own guidelines for writing theses and dissertations. The requirements for length, format and structure often vary by faculty and department, and different disciplines have different research conventions. We highly recommend that you review your own university’s and programme’s policies, and discuss any doubts with your supervisor.

University: University of Ottawa
Faculty: Education
Author: Matthew Brillinger
Award: 2017 Commission on Graduate Studies in the Humanities Prize
Title: Educational Park Planning in Berkeley, California, 1965-1968

From our own experience, we know how difficult it is to begin writing a thesis, especially if you don’t know where to start. Looking at other theses can give you initial ideas for how to get started and help you work out the best structure for your own research.

Each university has its own rules

Dissertation example

University: University College London
Faculty: Geography
Author: Anna Knowles-Smith
Award: 2017 Royal Geographical Society Undergraduate Dissertation Prize
Title: Refugees and theatre: an exploration of the basis of self-representation

University: California Institute of Technology
Faculty: Physics
Author: Michael P. Mendenhall
Award: 2015 Dissertation Award in Nuclear Physics
Title: Measurement of the neutron beta decay asymmetry using ultracold neutrons

University: University of Minnesota
Faculty: Chemical Engineering
Author: Eric A. Vandre
Award: 2014 Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics
Title: Onset of Dynamics Wetting Failure: The Mechanics of High-speed Fluid Displacement

Dissertation example

Topic: Evaluation of a Creative Curriculum in Preschool Literacy Readiness

Topic: Effects of online advertisements towards newsprint advertisement: a case study of Star Online and Star Newspaper

The writer did an amazing work with my paper! I first thought they offer dissertations only because of the name, but I actually got a research paper here. Still, they should really reconsider their name. It is a bit misleading.

Topic: Middle School Education: Examining the Effectiveness of an Inclusion Programr

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Topic: Is NHS implementing job evaluation to follow principles of pay equity?

Topic: The Impact of Internet Marketing on Business Management in Dubai

My thesis was of excellent quality, as always. Now I arrived to the part where I need a dissertation, so I'll be soon done ordering from writing services. Still, this is a company I'll never regret paying for. They never missed a deadline or gave me a bad paper.

Dissertation example

A dissertation is a complex and comprehensive academic project students must complete towards the end of their degree program. It involves independent research on a topic approved by your tutor.

A dissertation consists of five chapters – introduction, literature review, methodology, discussion, and conclusion. This is the standard structure of a dissertation unless stated otherwise by your tutor or institution.

One core component of a dissertation paper that is easily overlooked is referencing. Referencing can make or break your dissertation grade, thus do not forget to cite all sources accurately.

If the university accepts your proposal, you can start to work on the dissertation paper. Edit and improve your proposal based on your supervisor's feedback if it wasn't accepted at the first attempt.

Our Guarantees

Dissertation example

Choosing a dissertation topic is the first step towards writing a dissertation. However, what you should make sure is that the topic is relevant to your degree program, investigates a recent problem, and contributes towards existing literature.

The next aspect you should focus on is the structure and format of your dissertation. While chapter one introduces your topic, the second chapter should dig deep into the topic and discuss relevant models, frameworks, and concepts.

For more information, please take a look at our dissertation samples available online. You can even download these dissertation samples and save them for future reference.

Dissertation example

When thinking of how to write thesis conclusion, it is important to make it easy-to-read, concise, and fun to read. Your goal should be putting across the argument that your dissertation brought out. Although you will most probably have handled the introduction, literature review, methodology, and discussion of the dissertation, the importance of the dissertation conclusion cannot be underestimated.

  • It answers the research questions of the study.
  • It provides you with the opportunity to summarize the findings of the study.
  • Offers you the opportunity to make recommendations for additional studies.
  • Clearly highlights the additional knowledge that your dissertation has added.

This study strongly demonstrates that Y, but further raises fundamental questions about X and Z

The main difference between the two is that a conclusion is shorter and takes a more general perspective compared to the discussion. Note that a conclusion should not introduce new information or arguments.

Table of Contents

The recommended length of a dissertation conclusion is 5-7% of the overall word count.

By evaluating the fast-changing representation of migration and Italy border policy in the past 15 years, this demonstrated that media discourse can help to shape the decision making in a country.

As you close the thesis, your reader should not be left in doubt about the contribution that you made to knowledge in the area of study. Here are some unique ways that you can achieve this:

Dissertation example

Accordingly, you will want to report each theme separately. You do this by outlining your observation first (this can be a conversation or a behaviour that you observed), and then commenting upon it.

When reporting your results, you should have two sections: one listing reasons for favouring Coca-Cola, and the other listing reasons for favouring Schweppes. Within each section, you need to identify specific reasons for these preferences. You should connect these specific reasons to particular quotes.

A categorical variable is one with a fixed number of possible values, and a continuous variable is one where final scores have a wide range. Finally, you need to recall if you have used a so-called covariate or confounder variable. This is a variable that could have influenced the relationship between your independent and dependent variable, and that you controlled in order to accurately estimate the relationship between your main variables.

However, you also need to report the statistic value of one of the four statistics mentioned above. You can label the Pillai’s Trace statistic with V, the Wilks’ Lambda statistic with A, the Hotelling’s Trace statistic with T, and Roy’s Largest Root statistic with Θ (but you need report only one of them).

Reporting the results of observations

Dissertation example

Note that, in this example, you are concluding that participants had moderate self-esteem levels if their self-esteem was assessed on a 1 to 10 scale. Since the value of 5 falls within the middle of this range, you are concluding that the mean value of self-esteem is moderate. If the mean value was higher (e.g., M = 8.33), you would conclude that participants’ self-esteem was, on average, high

(2) for the assumption of no autocorrelation of residuals (i.e., a lack of correlation between the residuals of two observations), you need to look at this table and see whether your Durbin-Watson statistic falls within a desirable range, depending on your number of participants and the number of predictors (independent variables)

As we have seen, writing up qualitative results is easier than writing quantitative results. Yet, even reporting statistics is not that hard, especially if you have a good guide to help you.

Spearman correlation analysis revealed a positive relationship between people’s height and their self-esteem (rs = .44, p There has been a significant positive correlation between height and self-esteem after controlling for participants’ weight ( r = .39, p = .034).

Dissertation example

This post sets out to help students select the most appropriate topic for their HRM dissertation and to provide practical advice on how a HRM dissertation should be structured in order to achieve the best possible grade. You may have already looked at the HRM dissertation titles we have on offer and we appreciate that there is a wide variety of topics in this subject area, so it may be prudent to seek out and analyse HRM dissertation examples available at your university library or internet.

You need to pick a project topic that is feasible, which means ‘do-able’ in the short time that you have. What is ‘feasible’? Many student project proposals are initially over- ambitious. They are often very wide-ranging in their focus and could present significant problems for students in collecting primary data. The best projects are those where:

Once you have completed your own dissertation you will be able to:

The likely reason for you to examine business dissertation examples is to get a clear understanding on how to structure your own dissertation. Writing your own dissertation is usually carried out in accordance with accepted guidelines set out by at your university. This is designated to help the reader or examiner to understand exactly what message is to be conveyed in the dissertation. The best way to learn on how to best structure your business dissertation is to assess previously submitted business dissertation examples. Be sure to analyze any dissertation examples carefully and make sure your reference any material accordingly. Below is a list of business dissertation examples for you to look into, this also includes a vast collection of MBA dissertation examples.

Marketing Dissertation Examples

Dissertation example

  • Produce clearly stated analytical framework for the study including aims and objectives
  • Systematically develop an empirical investigation, using a research methodology to gather data for analysis and critical interpretation
  • Present firm conclusions and recommendations (as appropriate) demonstrating that the objectives set have been achieved
  • Write a formal research report to professional standards
  • Provide evidence on the use of initiative, time management and self expression

Students should obtain a good set of undergraduate and postgraduate marketing dissertation examples. As mentioned above, these can be obtained from university libraries, the internet and research material you have already written. Below are links that will take you to a large quantity of marketing dissertation examples. I’m sure you will find marketing dissertation topics that are relevant to your field of study.

To enable students to undertake a substantial piece of empirical research within a topic area of their own choosing relevant to the objectives of the pathway

University Dissertation Examples


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