Ghost Book Writing Services †Publish Your Book in Paperback or Hard Cover, book writing services.

Book writing services

So whichever writing style you prefer

Any writing project is a total failure without competent editing. Our editors have years of experience of writing to back their skills for detecting the tiniest of flaws and improving the overall quality of writing to enhance your readers’ experience.

Our professional and highly experienced team of writers comes from diverse backgrounds ranging from business, communication, and arts to qualified engineers, CPAs and doctors. But they all have one thing in common – their love and passion for writing.

Whether it is a recipe book, fiction novel, DIYs, detailed guides or how-to books that you want, turn to our professional and highly experienced writers who have mastered the art of writing with a creative humorous flair to engage your audience.


Book writing services

Schedule a meeting with us now to discuss your thoughts, and we will make your idea a reality!

Whether you are an individual author seeking to make your mark in literary circles, or represent a company interested in purchasing the best book writing and publishing services, GhosteBookWriters has what it takes to direct your project towards success.

Even the best products don’t sell without attractive packaging. Good designs and book covers render a unique and attractive personality to your book, playing their own role in making the buyer choose your book from the shelves. Sadly, the adage “Don’t judge a book by its cover” doesn’t ring true for books anymore.

Book writing services

It was a pleasure doing business with you. A good review from our valued customers is always a pleasure and motivates us to continue providing excellent services. We’re pleased to know that you are satisfied with our services & we met all your expectations.

Wonderful experience working with book writing pro. They assigned a dedicated manager for my work, who guided me every step. Fully satisfied with them.

Book Writing Pro’s ghostwriting services have saved my life! I can’t thank them enough for being so responsive and receptive to my needs and helping me put my thoughts into paper. They were able to manifest my dream into a reality and better than I could have done in record time! Thanks a lot guys, forever grateful.

It was a pleasure doing business with you. A good review from our valued customers is always a pleasure and motivates us to continue providing excellent services. We’re pleased to know that you are satisfied with our services & we met all your expectations.

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Book writing services

It was a pleasure doing business with you. A good review from our valued customers is always a pleasure and motivates us to continue providing excellent services. We’re pleased to know that you are satisfied with our services & we met all your expectations.

It was a pleasure doing business with you. A good review from our valued customers is always a pleasure and motivates us to continue providing excellent services. We’re pleased to know that you are satisfied with our services & we met all your expectations.

Thank you for taking the time to share your positive experience with our business. We really appreciate your views of our work and would love to serve you next time.

Book writing services

$.06 per word Proofreading Fix spelling and grammar Developmental Editing Sales copy/summary revision Organization and content Plot and pacing Manuscript Critique Structural integrity Pre-publication proofread

#2. YOUR BEST BOOK: nearly every other copy editor or editing service focuses on the writing and the mistakes. They will improve the flow of the words and sentences, and they will make it better, but they won’t fix the major problems with content. Our editors have been trained in the Write Good Books TM method to make sure your book is commercially sound and will resonate with your audience on a deeper level. For nonfiction we focus on branding, credibility, trust, so your readers will take action and see results. For fiction, we focus on universal story telling principles, plot structure, dramatic tension and suspense, and world-building. Because a clean book isn’t always a good book.

Book cover templates from Learn how to design covers that sell. $87 Value.

Although we hire the world’s best editors, we still make them compete for the work by having them send you a personalized trial edit, in an arena of trial-by-fire, only the best survive, copy editing combat.

``I feel I am one of the lucky ones to have discovered The Book Butchers. I could not have had a better editor for my particular genre and I am beyond thrilled with the end results. Suggestion: Give my editor a raise. He deserves it!``

Book writing services

A basic hack and slash: we’ll proofread, catch typos, fix grammar, trim sentences, remove repetition, flag some larger issues, but mostly get it ready for publishing and make sure it’s clean and shiny.

ROUND TWO: an in-depth, comprehensive, line-edit that includes rewriting sentences, improving word choice, organization, plotting and pacing. We’ll make the dialogue stronger and more believable, the action more tense and nail-biting, and the emotional peaks less melodramatic and cheesy. For non-fiction, we’ll strengthen your argument and make the writing more engaging.

If you accepted all of our changes in the last round, but didn’t revise or rewrite any of the issues we flagged, there may not be much for us to do in this round – but it’ll be worth it even if we only catch a handful of typos. Includes all our normal levels but with much heavier rewriting and revision, including story development. You can expect roughly 25% of new or rewritten content..06/word .

The result will be a very clean and much improved manuscript, but with lots of comments and suggestions, which will probably require some rewriting and extra work on your part. Getting back a heavily edited manuscript like this can be challenging, but know that it will drastically improve your writing skills and help you identify your weaknesses. During the revision process, it’s possible to create new consistency issues, which is why we recommend a final proofread or at least some beta-readers to help finalize your manuscript.

Book writing services

At the end of the day, writing is still very much an art, and that means results will vary drastically from writer to writer, and even from project to project, depending on the ghostwriter.

Note: If this contact form is not working for you, simply send us an email at [email protected] for more information about our ghostwriting or publishing services.

At TCK Publishing, we provide a few select clients with high quality ghostwritten books. Our team of dedicated ghostwriters can produce high-quality nonfiction and fiction books at reasonable rates within 90 to 180 days, depending on the size and scope of your project.

Ghostwriting is incredibly common today, especially in the traditional publishing industry. Many famous celebrities, chefs, actors, businesspeople, and even novelists (like James Patterson) hire ghostwriters to write books for them.

Ghostwriting Services

Book writing services

Fiction ghostwriting often involves a series of calls or discussions so the author and ghostwriter can get clear on the world, characters, scenes and major plot points before writing begins. Some fiction ghostwriters write the book with little or no instructions or plotting, but we don’t recommend this approach in most cases because results will vary.

We highly recommend you have your ghostwriter develop a clear outline for the book, and that you both agree on what should and should not be included in the book before writing begins. The easiest way to make sure you and your ghostwriter are on the same page is to create a detailed outline together.

Make sure to set a tight deadline if you decide to hire a ghostwriter. Parkinson’s law states that work expands so as to fill the deadline for completion. If you don’t give your ghostwriter a deadline, or if you give them a deadline that’s too big (like 12 or 18 months), you’re likely going to be disappointed in the results.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make that will slow down the delivery of a ghostwritten book is to ignore emails or requests for information from your ghostwriter. They may send you a quick email with a single question, and it may not seem important to you, but when a writer is inspired and has all the information they need to move forward, they will be much more productive and efficient.

Book writing services

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Book writing services

A possibility to choose his or her writer who will work on the ordered paper

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