Professional Writing, writing a paper in 3rd person.

Writing a paper in 3rd person

First, we’re going to check out the singular third person pronouns that are used in the subjective case. They are the subject of the sentence, and these pronouns are he, she, and it.

Um…no. For that, you are going to need the objective case of the third person pronouns. They are used as the object of a sentence and are him, her, and them.

Scary story, but we were able to wedge all of the examples of the third person possessive pronoun into it.

As you can see, the possessive prounoun his can be used as the subject or the object of a sentence.

The Bad

Writing a paper in 3rd person

Not so with the feminine version of our pronoun. Like most other pronouns, there is a difference between the subjective case (her) and objective case (hers). Sure, it’s only a slight difference, but it matters.

Of course, much like Daryl, we need to take a look at the possessive case for these third person pronouns as well. Your contestants in the possessive case pageant are:

    They went walking in the darkened woods without a flashlight.
    Suddenly, it was upon them.
    Their hair stood on end as the beast attacked.
    This story is theirs to tell.

Writing a paper in 3rd person

To grasp clearly how to write a term paper proposal or how to write a 1000 word essay, you should remember what other points of view are about. In general, there are three different perspectives to keep in mind: 1st, 2nd and 3rd person. First person view stands for an author’s direct narrative with pronouns like “I”, “me”, “us” and “we”. Second person view is the way to address the reader with pronouns “you” and “your”. In a third person view there is no personalized narrator. We use “he”, “they”, “it” pronouns in order to gain a certain methaposition in narrative and objectify reality as much as it is possible.

Eventually, today exist only few basic rules: you should use passive voice and future tense. So far as you’re only planning to carry out the research every potential action is only to be done. As far as you are using a passive voice your statements don’t have a certain performer. As we mentioned above, for an experienced academic text reader it is will be immediately evident that everything is done by the paper’s author. For example:

We hope that now you see that to write a term paper proposal in the third isn’t such a big deal if you just follow the simple rules listed above!

In any case, if you encounter considerable difficulties when formulating your thoughts from a third point of view you can always make a draft from the first person view firstly.

What are the Exceptions?

There are still a few cases when you have to use a first person view in text:

The thing is that academic language must be as easily understood and non-complex as it is possible. Being an author listed on a first page means that you account for every statement you’re making in it. Therefore, there is no practical need in “I believe” or “I think” at the beginning of any evaluative or affirmative statement. For example:

  1. When discussing some concrete procedural measures you had to take in order to accomplish the task for your research.
  2. When you are mentioning an author but it’s not very clear from the context whether it is you or another author whom you have mentioned before.
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Writing a paper in 3rd person

It can be easily implemented by avoiding words and phrases from the first or second perspective of the person. It is expected that whoever writes a research paper should generally use the third person.

For example, instead of “my opinion is”, the researcher must say: “in the opinion of the author”, or “the researcher found…”. Clear examples of research papers written in this form are samples found at Superior Papers, a popular online custom writing service.

Eliminate all uses of “you”. This is a warning sign that you are using the second person (as this phrase does). Even though you will be speaking to a specific reader, you should not use this word in your research work. This way, you can keep the work free from subjectivity. Once again, you can achieve this by changing some sentences.

A researcher can follow some simple golden rules to adopt this writing style and conform to standards for academic research work.

How to write a third-person research article

Writing a paper in 3rd person

Do a search for the “I” words. The statements written from this perspective are in the first person and should be changed or removed. Oftentimes, novice writers use “I think” or “I feel” when writing. Instead, look for proven facts. For example, you can change the phrase “I feel that Chicago is the best city in the United States” to “According to a survey of New York Times readers, Chicago was rated as the number one city in the United States in 2011.”

Writings in this point of view for academic or research texts are characterized by the absence of pronouns in first or second person. You can only use third-person pronouns such as “he”, “she”, “their”, “they”, among others.

Find all instances of the words “we” and “us”. It is necessary to eliminate these too. Instead of writing “we can all do something better to stop pollution,” you can write “the population of the US has to solve the problem of pollution.”

Writing a paper in 3rd person

Secondly, the use of the first person also gives the impression that the writer is self-serving and arrogant. An example such as “based on my findings, I conclude that A has a causal effect on B” makes it seem like the result is independent of a studied entity or have no one who contributed to the research.

Find all instances of the words “we” and “us”. It is necessary to eliminate these too. Instead of writing “we can all do something better to stop pollution,” you can write “the population of the US has to solve the problem of pollution.”

Write your research work in a natural way. As an inexperienced writer, if you think of the third person too much, you may have difficulty going from phrase to phrase. Since you want to write as much information as possible in your first draft, simply write the work as it comes to you. You can come back later and fix the third person.

However, many academic styles such as APA are now beginning to recommend writing in the first person. Writing services like say that this point of view is most suitable in conversational writings

Second person form of writing

Writing a paper in 3rd person

Writings in this point of view for academic or research texts are characterized by the absence of pronouns in first or second person. You can only use third-person pronouns such as “he”, “she”, “their”, “they”, among others.

A researcher can follow some simple golden rules to adopt this writing style and conform to standards for academic research work.

Do a search for the “I” words. The statements written from this perspective are in the first person and should be changed or removed. Oftentimes, novice writers use “I think” or “I feel” when writing. Instead, look for proven facts. For example, you can change the phrase “I feel that Chicago is the best city in the United States” to “According to a survey of New York Times readers, Chicago was rated as the number one city in the United States in 2011.”

Writing a paper in 3rd person

This is the most common type of third person narrator, for obvious reasons. It’s unquestionably the easiest form of this more challenging narrative. It’s the voice that is all-knowing, all-seeing.

Second Person has to be Reliable, Unlimited, and then it can either be Direct or Indirect (you simply pick one or the other).

This is when the narrator says quite simply how (they believe) things are. If a character is an idiot and the narrator tells us this quite frankly and in those words, that is a direct characterization. (In an indirect narrative, that same character will be described in such detail that we conclude that it’s an idiot on our own.)

This is an exciting way to let the ghost tell their own story in a manner that comes across as ghostly. Their death removes them from the action that lead to their death, and it’s equally reflected in their ghostly voice – or more specifically, their dead point of view.

Narrative (third person) Characters

Do not make the mistake of crafting a narrator that is “supposedly reliable” only to pull a switch on the reader and turn it into an unreliable character. Some authors have done this in the past, and it has never been well received. Why? It isn’t fair to the readers.

All Urban Myths are told in third person, presumably a story we heard from another person who witnessed the incident first hand, a.k.a. the side character who survived to tell the tale.

Most significant attribute: highly descriptive but not telling us exactly what to think about anything.

Both of these are considered indirect, because the narrator isn’t telling you exactly what to think. As the story unfolds, you as the reader discover if what you imagined should or might come next really does… or not.


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