
How to Write a Summary Paper, writing a summary paper.

Writing a summary paper

The points in the body outline should note the key ideas of the text you are summarizing.

3. Sum up your paper with what you think the author wanted to communicate

Mistakes when writing summary papers is as common as the frequency of summary papers. If you let these mistakes linger too long, they will eventually cost your overall grade in the long run. Learning about the most common mistakes will go a long way in helping you know how to avoid them.

Your paper is a summary and should stay that. A summary should not be as long as the original work. If you summarize an article, for instance, your summary should be a quarter of the original work length or even less.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Summary Paper

Thoroughly go through the material that you are supposed to summarize. At this point, you must develop an exhaustive understanding of the material. In the case of a book, try reading the text with the viewpoint of the author. You can ask yourself questions such as:

In both types of summary papers, the objective is to express an understanding of the substance or essence of material to other readers, less them having or being compelled to go through the entire material independently. Therefore, whenever you write an essay summary, always ensure that the gist or writing about it has been covered clearly and adequately.

But first, you need to know why your lecturer might require you to write a summary paper, and what it should contain.

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Writing a summary paper

Keep reading the blog until the end to know the answers to these questions.

  • How long should a summary be?
  • How to write a summary of an article?
  • How many sentences are in summary?
  • What is a one-page summary?
  • What is the sentence summary?
  • What should a summary include? Etc.

The thesis statement is important to include especially if you are writing a book summary. It is important to identify the main idea of the text for writing a thesis statement that will highlight the main argument.

After reading and taking notes, it is time to organize them. Take your time and find a way to organize the notes, as it will become a reference when you begin the actual writing process. Don’t forget to elaborate on the noted information and clarify any point difficult to understand.

Read the Original Piece

If you are writing a summary for the first time, there are several questions that might stick to your mind, such as:

The first and most important step to a well-crafted and good summary is to read the original text. Focus on reading the text at least 2 times and do not take notes at this point. The goal here is to become familiar with the text and understand the author’s writing style and tone.

Writing a summary demonstrates that you have clearly understood the text, and now you can communicate that understanding to your readers. However, summary writing is not an easy task. In fact, it is quite a difficult academic skill to learn. As with any other skill, especially for writing, students explicitly need to learn this skill.

Writing a summary paper

  • An introduction, in which you engage the reader in your study
  • An explanation of the hypothesis, or purpose of your research
  • Description of the methods used
  • A review of the results that ties directly to the hypothesis
  • A conclusion in which you outline your interpretation of the results and plans for future study

The process is very similar to extracting key phrases, where the purpose is to find phrases or individual words that could be used as tags for the text or document.

Just the fact that you can skip all the steps required to summarize the text or article properly makes an online summarizer an absolute winner in terms of usefulness.

Modern online summarizing tools are capable of delivering a decent result regardless of the text’s complexity and the length of summary you want to get. And the technology just keeps getting better. It’s very rare that you’ll have to revise the text you get from a summary maker.

📃 Conclusion generators’ 3 major summary types

Writing a summary paper

  • Custom writing
  • Summarizing
  • Editing / Proofreading

Notes, written answers, and summaries are often the result of study sessions. Being able to produce summaries without having to put in too much effort increases your feeling of accomplishment. All you have left to do is to check out your summaries in order to engage the new material even more and retain the information you’ve gathered.

To shorten a paragraph, cut the unnecessary or redundant information. Your paragraph should contain only one idea, outlined in an introductory sentence. Make sure to elaborate on it in 2 to 3 sentences, cutting out phrases or ideas t that deviate from the core subject.

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Writing a summary paper

  • An introduction, in which you engage the reader in your study
  • An explanation of the hypothesis, or purpose of your research
  • Description of the methods used
  • A review of the results that ties directly to the hypothesis
  • A conclusion in which you outline your interpretation of the results and plans for future study

The process is very similar to extracting key phrases, where the purpose is to find phrases or individual words that could be used as tags for the text or document.

Just the fact that you can skip all the steps required to summarize the text or article properly makes an online summarizer an absolute winner in terms of usefulness.

Modern online summarizing tools are capable of delivering a decent result regardless of the text’s complexity and the length of summary you want to get. And the technology just keeps getting better. It’s very rare that you’ll have to revise the text you get from a summary maker.

📃 Conclusion generators’ 3 major summary types

Writing a summary paper

  • Custom writing
  • Summarizing
  • Editing / Proofreading

Notes, written answers, and summaries are often the result of study sessions. Being able to produce summaries without having to put in too much effort increases your feeling of accomplishment. All you have left to do is to check out your summaries in order to engage the new material even more and retain the information you’ve gathered.

To shorten a paragraph, cut the unnecessary or redundant information. Your paragraph should contain only one idea, outlined in an introductory sentence. Make sure to elaborate on it in 2 to 3 sentences, cutting out phrases or ideas t that deviate from the core subject.

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Writing a summary paper

Quotation A quotation is putting "The exact words someone said between quotation marks."

Deborah Tannen in “Sex, Lies, and Conversation

Virginia has been a university English instructor for over 20 years. She specializes in helping people write essays faster and easier.

Christy Kirwan from San Francisco on January 20, 2014:

How to Write a Summary

Writing a summary paper

Paraphrase Reword 1-3 sentences in your own words to make them easy to understand.

Tannen explains women also need to learn to communicate differently with men because “Women’s conversational habits are as frustrating to men as men’s are to women" (Sex, Lies and Conversation 2).

1. If you are mentioning a source for the first time, you include the name of the author and article.

Writing a summary paper

Sometimes your professor will ask you to present the main idea of an article in front of the class. You won’t do it through a full-length presentation or without a plagiarism checker. You’ll just present a short summary. In other situations, you’ll need to write a summary for a very complex article, so you can make it more accessible for the general audience.

When you access any research study online, you’ll notice there’s a summary leading you into the text. In this brief section, the writers give you a clear description of the entire article. Even if you don’t read the full text, you get its point just by reading the summary paragraphs.

Sometimes using an automated summary or conclusion generator is not an option. You want a real writer, who will write summary from scratch. In that case, SameDayPapers is the right choice of service. Do you want to know why?

  • When you do it as an assignment. Your professor gives you the text and tells you: “I need you to summarize this article and I’ll grade you on it.”
  • The Literature Review chapter of dissertations, thesis statement generator, and research proposals also needs brief article summaries. In this chapter, you’ll quickly explain what the resources are about, and you’ll show how they are relevant to your research.
  • If you’re writing an elaborate article for a study or for any other purpose, you’ll need to provide a summary at the beginning.

Why Should You Hire Us When You Need an Article Summarizer?

Writing a summary paper

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