It's wiser to pay someone to write a research paper for you than to buy one which has already been written. The latter option may be cheaper, but it poses some serious risks that you cannot afford to ignore. While the paper may be of good quality, it will be regarded as plagiarized if it has been sold to other students. You should also stay away from the automated essay typers which either copy content directly or replace words with synonyms which results in complete nonsense.
With a reliable custom paper writing service, you will be invited to share all details on your assignment. What’s more, you will have the opportunity to outline your requirements and to give instructions to the writer, if you deem fit. Once you receive the paper, you will be able to read it and check it with a plagiarism detecting tool. In case you want any changed made, the writer will revise the paper for you. You should get all this and possibly even more when using a custom service.