
How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay That Gets You an A, how to write a cause essay.

How to write a cause essay

Each of the arguments needs to be backed up with 2 or 3 strong, factual statements that support it. For example, if your argument is “Prohibition era violent crime increased due to bootleggers that feuded,” you will need to support it by statistics of crime during that era.

You can set up the essay with one effect caused by many things or with many effects caused by one thing. Find the best topics to include in your essay by brainstorming causes and effects. You want to find a general statement proving what mainly causes the effects you are writing about. You can form topic sentences using these points.

Place this general statement, or the one of your choice in the thesis and then select three points that prove or explain your statement. These will be your outline structure’s main three points.

This course can help you make the transition from high school essay writing to college essay writing. Now that you understand what a cause and effect is, it is time to decide on a subject or topic. There needs to be a clear relationship between the effects and the causes of the topic you choose.

A Note About Your Content

To continue your outline, list your first statement or point. This will probably be your first effect. List one or more causes explaining why the effect occurred. List the details supporting in the form of points under the first point. Write a sentence that leads into the next paragraph.

Depending on the points which the writer is intending to make, each essay will have different body paragraphs. On the other hand, all body paragraphs will be similar in some way. Each paragraph should be descriptive of a single feature of the argument of the essay—a particular effect of a cause or a particular cause of an effect.

For both the cause and the effect, it is recommended that you develop at least three strong arguments. These are your essay’s main points. Explain the effect of your trend, phenomenon or event. You should refer back continually to the cause in order to make connections and link which will help your audience process the cause and effect effectively.

There are a few steps you can use to help you draft a cause and effect essay. As a general rule, essays such as this one are used for showing how one thing has caused another thing to occur. The effect is the result. You can have multiple effects or multiple causes depending on your essay’s structure. Before actually going ahead and writing your essay, however, it is always a good idea to write the outline first.

How to write a cause essay

Do you already have a subject to write about? Check out our cause and effect essay ideas below, get inspiration to narrow down your topic.

On the opposite, for such an essay, you need to stick to the events’ consequences. The more doesn’t mean the better. More efficient is to choose 2-3 significant outcomes and describe their effect comprehensively. Examples:

All these can help to get to the final topic. In the beginning, the critical task is to depict a field of your interest and search it for the cause-effect scenarios. Examples of how to line up the question are below.


Choosing a Topic: Best Tips

How to write a cause essay

A cause and effect essay might seem an effortless task to do. However, detecting cause and effect relationships is not that easy when one has to choose a good cause and effect essay topic.

However, some topics might be developed both ways. The crucial thing is to choose one direction. And don’t try to dig deep into both causes and effects at the same time.

In case you are free to choose a subject, here are some ways to get started. Remember that the cause and effect essay can be about anything. The major challenge is to thoroughly describe the causal relationships and demonstrate each cause and effect’s role.

How to write a cause essay

  1. Modern music and its influence on teen culture.
  2. The impact of junk food on obesity among junior school students.
  3. How mental health is influenced by cyberbullying.
  4. What causes some videos to become viral?
  5. How owning a pet influences people’s health.

The body paragraphs of your essay should be focused on the cause (or various causes) and the effect (or various effects) and the correlation between them. You can use different methods to prove your point of view – statistical data, related researches, quotes from authoritative sources, situation modeling, etc. Your aim is not to persuade your reader, but to make logical conclusions and analyze the problem from various angles.

Once you know what the topic of your essay is, it’s time to start researching the topic to find the most credible sources for your facts and the latest data on the topic. Essays like this often require suing statistics to prove your point of view – you need to use only reliable numbers from official sources.

The concluding part for your cause and effect essay is pretty much the same as for other types of essays that you usually write. In other words, it doesn’t have any specific requirements except that it should summarize your essay and your point of view. It should also mention the key elements from the previous parts of your essay, including the thesis statement, though you shouldn’t repeat it but paraphrase instead. You should also end your essay on a powerful note – consider adding some suggestions for future research or the possible ways of solving the problem. For example, if you are writing about air pollution and its effect on global warming, you can end your essay with some suggestions on how humanity can reduce this bad influence by recycling and finding new energy sources.


There are a few types of cause and effect essay, depending on the correlation between different causes and effects.

When working on your body paragraphs, make sure you don’t jump from one thesis, claim, or fact to another without proper transition. Use the last sentence of each paragraph to connect one paragraph with another, using transitional words.

When picking a topic for your essay, be sure to pick the one that resonates with you – it is the best way to write a deep and well-thought piece. Think about the things that you see around you and that are easy to correlate with particular causes. For example, urbanization and its effect on human health and the environment.

How to write a cause essay

Avoid circular thought processes. Try not use thought processes that have no definite conclusion and just restate the thesis. Make new links and ideas that do not end at where the statement started, finish with a sense of conclusion.

Try not fall into the post hoc trap. This can be avoided by not making any errors in the logic used and carefully researching each link in the chain. This is a typical causal relationship error that links a previous subject in time just because it happened before. For example, coming to the conclusion that marijuana smokers will go on to smoke crack. This could be based on that crack smokers have tried marijuana before they tried crack but this is a false connection. With the same logic, it could said that cigarette smoking would lead to smoking crack and marijuana, but this is also post hoc fallacy.

Just send us the requirements for your paper and get it done before the deadline.

  • The effects of drug legalization on drug addiction
  • What causes society to be racist and possible preventions
  • The causes that led up to world war II
  • What causes people to develop phobias
  • Why do humans need to sleep
  • What are the chemical causes of falling in love
  • Why did Donald Trump win the 2016 election
  • What caused the French revolution
  • Causal Analysis essay on divorce

Tips for writing a causal analysis essay

How to write a cause essay

Don't oversimplify things. While it is needed to focus and limit the analysis to particular points of the thesis, do not be too quick to assign cause and effect conclusions. Think carefully before making statements and do not jump to any false predictions before evaluating properly.

Unless you decide to buy essays online from our service, you should follow the tips below to make your writing worth the best grade.

Our paper writing service professionals recommend planing out an outline to make your writing easier and faster. This way, the elements of the article will come together better in the end.

Don’t worry if you have been given a causal analysis essay to write and have no idea how to start. We have put together an easy to follow guide for you on our service essays to be done as fast as possible!

How to write a cause essay

  • Cause 1
  • Cause 2
  • Effect 1
  • Effect 2

  1. Causes and results of WWI
  2. Reasons for burnout
  3. Potential threats to online education
  4. Literature and the human brain
  5. Climate change
  6. Consequences of peer pressure
  7. Causes and effects of natural resource depletion
  8. Causes and impact of the #MeToo movement
  9. Low self-esteem
  10. Causes and results of the Industrial Revolution

The negative effects of such addiction are numerous, but mental health is a top concern. Zagorski (2017) states that social media provoke anxiety disorder, a sense of isolation, and depression. People are likely to develop insecurity, poor self-esteem, and distorted body image, comparing their appearance to unrealistic and photoshopped photos. If people do not get the desired appreciation and recognition from others on social media, it lowers their sense of self-value. Therefore, people become vulnerable to mental health issues.

  • Cause & Effect 1
  • Cause & Effect 2
  • Cause & Effect 3

Don't Know How To Write Cause And Effect Essay?

How to write a cause essay

The introductory paragraph of a cause and effect essay lays the foundation for the whole piece. It needs to be short but precise. Before getting to writing, you need to plan your paper and figure out what your argument is. This will help you to introduce your topic effectively. See what you can use to attract the attention of your audience, for example:

The Overuse of Social Media: Causes and Consequences

The topics for a cause and effect essay can be diverse as this type of writing is suitable for any subject: history, languages, sociology, arts, technology, and even physics. If you are free to choose the topic, select the one that matters to you, and prove its relevance. This way, the interest in the subject-matter will drive your motivation to complete the task successfully. Some interesting examples of cause and effect essay topics suggested by write essay for me professionals include:


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