How to create or add a slide in Microsoft PowerPoint, powerpoint slide show.

Powerpoint slide show

In Microsoft PowerPoint, a presentation is made up of multiple slides. There are several ways to create or add a slide in a PowerPoint presentation. After adding slides, you can move the slides around, and you can delete slides.

  1. Open the PowerPoint presentation.
  2. In the left preview pane, find the slide you want to move.
  3. Press and hold the left mouse button on the slide, then drag the slide up or down to where you want to move it.
  4. Release the left mouse button when you have dragged the slide to its new location.

  1. In the slide preview pane on the left, left-click with your mouse in-between two slides where you want to insert a slide.
  2. In the PowerPoint Ribbon, on the Home or Insert tab, click the New Slide option.
  3. In the drop-down menu that opens, click the Reuse Slides option at the bottom.
  4. In the Reuse Slides pane that opens on the right, click the Browse button and select Browse File.
  5. Find the PowerPoint presentation file with the slide you want to add to the currently open presentation, and click the Open button.
  6. A preview of the slides is displayed below the Browse option. Left-click the slide you want to insert into the currently open presentation. A new slide will be inserted, with text from the selected slide included in the new slide.
  7. To also apply the formatting of the selected slide to the newly inserted slide, right-click the selected slide and select Apply Theme to Selected Slides.

  1. In the slide preview pane on the left, find the existing slide you want to copy.
  2. Using your mouse, right-click that slide and select Copy in the pop-up menu.
  3. Determine where you want to add the copied slide. Right-click the slide above where you want to paste the copied slide.
  4. In the pop-up menu that appears, in the Paste Options section, click the middle paste option icon to paste the slide. The middle paste option pastes the slide using the same formatting as the slide you copied.

Insert new slide

To add a slide from another presentation, follow the steps below.

  1. In the slide preview pane on the left, left-click with your mouse in-between two slides where you want to insert a slide.
  2. In the PowerPoint Ribbon, on the Home or Insert tab, click the New Slide option.
  3. In the drop-down menu that opens, select the type of slide to insert. The new slide will be inserted into the presentation where you clicked in step 1 above.

To delete a slide in a PowerPoint presentation, follow the steps below.

Powerpoint slide show

PowerPoint slideshows are not always used by a live presenter. Slideshows set to loop continuously can run unattended in a booth or kiosk. You can even save a slideshow as a video to share.

Type a length of time in the Slide Time box if you want to display a slide for a specific amount of time.

Select Next on the Recording toolbar when you want to move to the next slide.

PowerPoint for Mac does not have the rehearsal option. Instead, go to Transitions, choose the transition you want to use, set the duration you want, and select Apply to All.

What to Know

Powerpoint slide show

To ensure that your automated presentation is the right length, record timings to set the amount of time each slide appears on the screen.

Select Browsed at a Kiosk (Full Screen). This enables the presentation to loop continuously until the viewer presses Esc.

You'll be asked if you want to save the new slide timings. Select Yes to save the slide timings at the end of the presentation.

Powerpoint slide show

To run the slideshow unattended, set timings for slide transitions and animations to run automatically.

To ensure that your automated presentation is the right length, record timings to set the amount of time each slide appears on the screen.

To create a continuously looping presentation, you need to set it up and record slide timings.

PowerPoint for Mac does not have the rehearsal option. Instead, go to Transitions, choose the transition you want to use, set the duration you want, and select Apply to All.

What to Know

Powerpoint slide show

Select Repeat if you want to restart the recording time for the current slide only.

Select Browsed at a Kiosk (Full Screen). This enables the presentation to loop continuously until the viewer presses Esc.

PowerPoint slideshows are not always used by a live presenter. Slideshows set to loop continuously can run unattended in a booth or kiosk. You can even save a slideshow as a video to share.

Powerpoint slide show

The Clear command is for deleting timings or narration from your recording that you don't want or that you want to replace. There are four different Clear commands that allow you to:

(The ability to record is available both to Microsoft 365 subscribers and non-subscribers. Subscribers get a few extra features.)

Use the Rehearse button to change the timing between slides without affecting the narration or gestures you've already recorded.

To record and hear a narration, your computer must be equipped with a sound card, microphone, and speakers.

Delete timings or narration

Powerpoint slide show

In the Record Slide Show box, check or clear the boxes for your recording, and click Start Recording.

At the top left corner of the window is the Recording toolbar, which you can use to:

Saving overwrites anything you've previously recorded. If you want to record another slide show with the same set of slides, save your presentation file with a different name.

Tip: When you finish recording your narration, a sound icon appears in the lower-right corner of each slide that has narration.

Powerpoint slide show

Select File > Open and locate the show file with the .ppsx extension on your computer.

When you receive a PowerPoint file, whether over a company network or as an email attachment, the file extension indicates whether it's a show file (meant for viewing only) or a working presentation file. The show file has the file extension .ppsx, while the presentation working file uses the file extension of .pptx on the end of the file name. Changing this extension changes the file type.

Right-click the show file with the .ppsx extension and choose Open file location.

In the Save As Type box, choose PowerPoint Presentation (.*pptx) to save the file as a regular working presentation file.

Editing a PowerPoint Show File

Powerpoint slide show

PPSX is the extension for a PowerPoint show. This format saves presentations as a slideshow. It is the same as the PPTX file but when you double-click it, it opens in Slide Show view rather than Normal view.

Sometimes, you want to make a few changes to the finished product, but all you received from your colleague is the show file with the .ppsx extension. There are a couple of ways to make edits to a .ppsx file.

Change the file extension from .ppsx to .pptx.

A PowerPoint show is the actual presentation that you view when you are a member of the audience. A PowerPoint presentation file is a working file in the creation stage. They differ only in their extension and the PowerPoint format they in which they open.


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